Fairy Party

Calling all Fairies, it time for a party, grab your glass of fairy juice and let the magic begin. Sparkles, flowers and glitter galore as kids create:

  • A fairy wand with flowers, coloured beads and ribbons.

  • A fairy charm necklace with real fairy dust.

  • A magical fairy bottle.

  • Design a cup of fancy fairy juice.

  • Make fizzy fairy sherbet.

TICKETS $17 EACH - All kids aged 4 and upwards welcome, 7 years and under an adult must stay.

Please note $1 from your ticket will go towards our “Anxiety Friendly” classes.


Session 1: July Thurs 13th 2-3pm: #FPS1 - SOLD OUT SORRY

Session 2: July Thurs 13th 3.30-4.30pm: #FPS2 - only 5 tickets left

Carla will be busy teaching kids most days and will respond by email within 24 hours. If you are trying to book for the next day or on the day try calling or text if you need a quick response (0211801403). Cash sales for last minute bookings.